Library Card

Horsham Township Library is happy to grant borrowing privileges to anyone who lives in Horsham Township. Please bring some form of identification that verifies your current mailing address when you apply for your library card. If you live outside of Horsham Township, please bring your home library card with you, too. Horsham Township Library will establish a library card account using your existing home library card, consistent with the terms of Pennsylvania's "Access Pennsylvania" reciprocal borrowing program.
Individuals must have a library card in order to borrow books or other materials and to log into their library account from home.
December 9, 2020- You can now submit your completed application via email to our Reference Librarian Bryan-
For your security and privacy, please DO NOT send any personal info to the library via email.
The library will NOT send you a library card number via email to protect your privacy and personal informaiton.
The library is a member of MCLINC, the Montgomery County Library and Information Network Consortium. Library cards issued by any member of MCLINC will be honored at the Horsham Township Library.
Horsham Township Library extends free borrowing privileges to any Pennsylvania resident who has a home library card with an "ACCESS PENNSYLVANIA" sticker, indicating their local library has sponsored them for participation in the statewide reciprocal borrowing program administered by the State Library of Pennsylvania. Borrowers will be asked to fill out the standard Horsham Township Library card application so that their name and contact information can be placed on file.
Library card applications for children under the age of 18 must be signed by both the child and a parent or guardian.
Borrowers should treat their library card like a credit card. Report loss or theft to the library right away so as not to be held responsible for items charged to your account. Do not lend your library card to someone. If you do, you will be held responsible for any late or lost items checked out with your card.
Cards can usually be issued while you wait. If you need a library card, visit the main desk first to fill out an application; library staff will make up your card while you browse.
Library cards for members of a group, such as a school class, scout troop, or club can be prepared ahead of time. Please call the library at 215-443-2609 to make arrangements to submit a group of library card applications ahead of the date of your visit.